Windows with round awnings Here are some simple windows with awnings of a different shape from what is usual. In my next article I will take up using Photo Gallery in the Windows Technical Preview. Just scan down a bit in the sidebar for the reason of my bias. Longtime readers of this blog know that I am partial to using Photo Gallery, Microsoft’s tool for managing, enhancing and sharing photos. By itself Windows Technical Preview is useless. Once copied to the PC, Picasa had no problems displaying and editing these RAW files.įor the photo enthusiast running the Windows Technical Preview using Picasa is a workable solution. Here is an illustration of that process.Īlthough a bit more delicate, this process is really much faster that using the Picasa import option.
Locate the desired files on the camera and select them and drag the thumbnails to the desired PC folder. It is always possible to import photo files with File Explorer. Apparently the Picasa designers had not encountered this situation, so this is not supported. Picasa recognized the camera but found no photos. I used a Nikon D800 for another test, the files average more than 70 MB each. I wondered how importing from a camera that produces larger RAW files would fare. The files on the camera I used for this test averaged about 8 MB. You can use “Save as” to make an edited JPG copy of the photo.

The actual photo file is not touched (except for some items, but that is a story for another day). This makes it appear as if Picasa had edited the photo. Picasa writes its own info file with the edit settings so the next time a photo is opened these prior settings are applied.

The good news is that Picasa can display and edit the RAW files, Nikon NEF files in my case, just fine. I will illustrate with a couple of screen shots from a later stage in my testing but these illustrate the import process pretty well. Once the photos to be imported are selected the process is rather quick. The “investigative” process took 20 minutes for the 634 photos on my camera. For the subfolders there are three choices, a folder for which you specify the name, a folder with today’s date, or date-taken folders. You can specify the main folder and subfolders. The folder selection options are meager but adequate. If some have been previously imported there is a “don’t” circle. It really imports the photos on a temporary basis and list them in the preview screen where you can select the photos you wish to import.

So it took Picasa quite a while to “investigate” the camera.
I intentionally have a memory card that is almost full with photos. If you want to import, you have to use the Import option in Picasa. Funny, the only thing that happened was the Picasa window going inactive, the nice blue top just turned gray. So I opened Picasa, then plugged in the camera and turned it on. The next time I plugged in my camera only the device recognition sound indicated that it was being seen. What Windows Technical Preview promises it does not necessarily deliver. So when I plug in my camera the next time, Picasa will start to import my photos. And what should my eyes behold? There in that AutoPlay “what shall I do” window was a listing of Picasa. On a clean Windows Technical Preview virtual machine (running in VMware Player) I downloaded and installed Picasa. yes, Picasa the program from arch-foe Google for managing, enhancing, and sharing photos. What is a photo enthusiast to do? In this article I will explore using Picasa.
Alright, for RAW photo files the Windows 10 preview is utterly useless as is. In a prior article, Windows Technical Preview – Import Photos with “Photos”, I explored the functioning of the Windows Technical Preview for importing photos from a DSLR camera. Using Picasa to import photos in Windows Technical Preview